
Preparing training content as videos is an effective method.

We can say that preparing training content as videos, video presentations and animation videos is very effective.

We see that in successful distance education systems such as Coursera, Udacity and Udemy, educational content is generally presented in the form of video footage, video presentations and video lectures. While preparing training content in this way is very simple, practical and economical, it is very effective if the person giving the training is an expert in the subject and ensures that the training is appreciated by students/staff. It is also important to prepare video trainings briefly and topic by topic. As you know, the quality of education is directly proportional to the teacher, presentation style, and the quality of the content presented. In addition, along with lectures, complementary activities such as homework, projects and exercises can ensure a full understanding of the subject.

Video Training Examples:

Örnek1:Introduction to Computing Principles-CS101

Örnek2:Animation and Interaction

Örnek3: Intro to the Design of Everyday Things

Örnek4:Talking about CLOTHES

Örnek5: VeduBox Nedir?

In this regard, we have a software called Camtasia Studio for which we represent TR. You can try it free for 1 month. It is a very simple, practical, easy-to-use and economical software. Thanks to Camtasia Studio, you can edit any video you have prepared or acquired. Cutting, trimming, adding audio, video, text, merging, etc. In other words, you can also edit the lessons you recorded with video cameras. More İnfo: Camtasia

In this way, you can easily prepare video presentations, one of the most effective lecture methods for distance education. Afterwards, you can seamlessly publish the video trainings you have prepared in your private education system on our cloud distance education system,, and present them to your students and employees…

Bilgin Yazar