Vedubox Exam

Question Bank, Test and Exam System

Thanks to our Question Bank, Test and Exam System, you can prepare tests and exams with different question types (drag and drop, multiple choice, matching, true-false, written, etc.). In this way, you can get rid of uniform tests and exams and enable your students to reach results in different ways. You can see the answers given by each student to the test and exam questions in detail, and in this way, you can follow your students effectively.

Question Bank, Test and Exam System

Thanks to our Question Bank, Test and Exam System, you can prepare tests and exams with different question types (drag and drop, multiple choice, matching, true-false, written, etc.). In this way, you can get rid of uniform tests and exams and enable your students to reach results in different ways. You can see the answers given by each student to the test and exam questions in detail, and in this way, you can follow your students effectively.

Vedubox Exam

Vedubox Sınav ve Test Modülü

Question Bank, Test and Exam System

Thanks to our Question Bank, Test and Exam System, you can prepare tests and exams with different question types (drag and drop, multiple choice, matching, true-false, written, etc.). In this way, you can get rid of uniform tests and exams and enable your students to reach results in different ways. You can see the answers given by each student to the test and exam questions in detail, and in this way, you can follow your students effectively.

How does it work?

Vedubox question bank offers you the test-exam system gradually.

Create Question

Many question types are supported. Multiple choice, multiple choice, fill in the blank, true false, yes no, drag and drop, picture question, matching, ranking, matrix and likert. The questions created are kept in the question bank.

Create Test

The questions created in the first stage are selected from the question pool and tests are created after the necessary adjustments. Question order can be changed for each user.

Create Quiz

You can choose the ones you want from the tests you created in the previous stage and create your exam after a few simple adjustments.

soru test sinav

Key Features

Vedubox makes a difference in distance education with its online exam system, as well as the convenience it offers at the basic level, as well as many additional features.

  • You can create an unlimited number of your own questions. Questions and answer options can be prepared as text, visual and video.
  • Tests can also be created by automatically selecting questions one by one or randomly from the question bank.
  • Tests are automatically evaluated and reported. In addition, open-ended questions can be evaluated by the instructor.
  • Exams are created by combining tests. Exams are also automatically evaluated and reported.
  • Thanks to our Question Bank, Test and Exam System, tests and exams can be prepared with different question types (drag and drop, multiple choice, matching, true-false, written, etc.).
    In this way, you can get rid of uniform tests and exams and enable your students to reach results in different ways.
  • The answers given by each student to the test and exam question can be seen in detail, and in this way, the students can be followed effectively.
soru test sinav

Key Features

Vedubox makes a difference in distance education with its online exam system, as well as the convenience it offers at the basic level, as well as many additional features.

  • You can create an unlimited number of your own questions. Questions and answer options can be prepared as text, visual and video.
  • Tests can also be created by automatically selecting questions one by one or randomly from the question bank.
  • Tests are automatically evaluated and reported. In addition, open-ended questions can be evaluated by the instructor.
  • Exams are created by combining tests. Exams are also automatically evaluated and reported.
  • Thanks to our Question Bank, Test and Exam System, tests and exams can be prepared with different question types (drag and drop, multiple choice, matching, true-false, written, etc.).
    In this way, you can get rid of uniform tests and exams and enable your students to reach results in different ways.
  • The answers given by each student to the test and exam question can be seen in detail, and in this way, the students can be followed effectively.


An easy, fast and flexible solution for your distance education needs. This innovative Education Platform that offers the best features